Tickets & Pricing

Pricing & Discounts

Experience personalized interactions at Field Service Europe with our exclusive 30-minute 1:1 meetings. These tailored sessions connect you directly with solution providers who can address your specific needs, offering innovative technologies and expert insights.

Service & Support Executives

Solution Providers

Stuff you really need to know:

  • The solution provider category is exempt from any discounts
  • Solution Providers: Any service provider to service and support organizations - Including software vendors, technology vendors, solution providers, third party logistics providers, consultants or companies with primary revenues resulting from commissions, subscriptions and/or advertising. Worldwide Business Research reserves the right to enforce the rate for solution Providers.
  • Solution provider registrations will be reviewed for the correct rate and will not be admitted to event if they do not pay the correct rate. We will not be responsible for travel costs if you do not wish to pay the correct rate.
  • Fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, cocktail receptions and conference documentation.
  • All discounts are taken off the full conference price.
  • Payment is due in full at the time of registration. Your registration will not be confirmed until payment is received and may be subject to cancellation.
  • Questions? Give our customer service team a call at 888.482.6012 or email them at Hours of operation – Monday-Thursday, 9am-5:30pm; Friday, 9am-5pm.
  • You can review our full cancellation and substitution policy, as well as data protection guidelines here.